
5 Solar Myths

Written by Paul Blackman | May 8, 2023 8:11:08 AM

Solar panels don't work well in cold climates 

Solar panels have been proven to work just as efficiently in the hot and the cold. Remember, solar energy is about the amount of sun your panels are exposed to, not the amount of heat they receive.

At SkyGreen we are committed to supporting independent community-based solar installers, and are committed to urgent action on climate change, embracing the economic benefits of the transition to renewable energy.

Cheap Systems Are the Best Value 

Think of your Solar and Battery investment like buying a car, cheap does not always guarantee performance and longevity. Better made quality parts last longer, and perform better, giving you full benefits of cost saving solar energy resource gathering. While inferior panels drop significantly with regards to performance, and storage, when it comes to batteries. 

Going solar is a lot of work and will take time away from my schedule 

Our seamless process at SkyGreen will guarantee a smooth installation from beginning to end. You will speak to highly trained and professional staff who will guide you, from picking the right system for your needs through to installation. A trained and certified engineer will personally assess your property and speak with you regarding your needs, once the plans have been accepted our friendly and professional team of installers will come out, at your convenience, and work promptly and efficiently to install the system in the quickest time possible at minimal hassle to you and your family.  

Solar Panels Use More Energy to Make Than They Actually Save 

With solar industry advancements, and good choices in solar panel and battery providers we guarantee your product is of the highest quality, efficient and effective at doing its job, ensuring you are embracing the economic benefits of the transition to renewable energy, as SkyGreen supports integrity in solar power installations.    

The Hotter the Temperature, The Better the Solar Energy Production 

Solar panels produce peak energy production when they are correctly positioned and have full exposure to the sun. It is the availability of sun rays which give the best performance, rather than temperature. Here at SkyGreen we only utilise the highest quality brands to custom design a Solar and Battery solution that suits your unique and individual household needs.